Bogor, Indonesia | +62 811-1187-812 |

Course Description

Department of Agroindustrial Technology

Students Learning Outcomes

Completing the curriculum of Agroindustrial Engineering Study Program, students are expected to be:

1. Able to identify, analyze and solve problems in agroindustry that cover aspects of process technology, industrial management, systems engineering, and environmental engineering and management by applying knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering and information technology using modern engineering tools.

2. Able to design an agroindustrial system/component, process and product to meet the desired needs within realistic constraints.

3. Able to design and conduct scientific and engineering experiments and analyze and interpret the resulting data.

4. Able to recognize the needs and have the ability to be involved in lifelong learning.

5. Able to communicate in writing and oral effectively.

6. Able to function effectively within multidisciplinary and multicultural teams.

7. Able to understand the application of ethics and professionalism in solving engineering problems of agroindustry in the economic, environmental and societal contexts as well as other contemporary issues.

8. Able to transform science and technology-based ideas into the concept of agroindustry business (technopreneurship).
Curriculum Structure
The course structure of the Agroindustrial Engineering Study Program are shown below.

Course Descriptions

1. TIIN1200 Sustainable Agroindustry, 2(2-0)
This course introduces the concept of sustainable agroindustry, the role in increasing the added value of agricultural products, the importance of developing human resources, and the role and challenges of agroindustrial engineering disciplines in national agroindustrial development.

2. TIN1212 Human Resources Development, 2(2-0)
This course explains the aspects of managing and developing human resources, including planning, recruitment, selection, training, mentoring and empowering human resources in organizations; leadership and relationships between leaders and subordinates to increase productivity; motivation, assessment and development of human resources; work health, safety and environment and productivity; learning organizations and their role in the development of agroindustry innovation and competitiveness.

3. TIN1214 Information and Computing Technology, 2(1-1)
This course explains the Tools, Apps, Devices, encoding mechanisms, architecture, and computer components that include input, output, data processing and recording devices; the application softwares that include spreadsheets, word processing, and statistics; operating systems and database management, information systems, the basics of computer networks and the internet, the mobile computing sensor industry and computer security.

4. TIN1215 Industrial Mathematics, 3(2-1)
This course explains mathematical techniques, including differential equations, integrals, numerical analysis, and laplace transforms to support the application of logical, critical, systematic and innovative thinking in solving engineering problems of agroindustry.

5. TIN1220 Basic Calculations in Process Engineering, 3(2-1)
This course gives students the understanding and skills to master the basic principles of process engineering calculations, including the understanding of units, conversions, material and energy balance calculations under various process conditions.

6. TIN1233 Industrial Microbiology, 2(2-0)
This course discusses general knowledge about microorganisms, namely classification, reproduction, isolation, selection, and identification; design processes that involve microorganisms ranging from nutritional requirements, bioreactors, control of cultivation conditions, harvesting and product purification; the use of microorganisms for the development of various food and non-food products; and the influence of microorganisms on damage to agroindustrial materials and products.

7. TIN1251 Agroindustrial Material Science, 2(2-0)
This course provides basic knowledge about the characteristics of agricultural products as agroindustrial raw materials, including macro components (water, carbohydrates, fats and proteins), micro components (vitamins, minerals, flavor, aroma, color, alkaloids), physico-chemical and organoleptic properties, and their quality.

8. TIN1252 Analysis of Agroindustrial Materials, 1(0-1)
This is a practical course to equip students with the skills to do lab analysis of agroindustrial materials, including analysis of macro components (water, carbohydrates, fats and proteins), micro components (vitamins, minerals, flavor, aroma, color, alkaloids), and physico-chemical and organoleptic properties.

9. TIN1211 Work Methods, 2(2-0)
This course discusses work methods, work method analysis, motion studies, which include work maps, motion economics, value stream mapping, human and environmental factors in work systems, work measurement techniques and standard time determination.

10. TIN1217 Algorithm and Computer Programming, 3(2-1)
This course discusses techniques used in the design and analysis of Computer Algorithms and Programming. The algorithm discussed is emphasized for solving computational problems in agroindustry. Topics include: data structure, algorithm complexity analysis, sorting; search trees, heaps, and hashing; divide-and-conquer; dynamic programming; amortized analysis; graph algorithms; shortest paths; network flow; matrix calculations; caching; mobile programming and the principle of parallel computing.

11. TIN1223 Unit Operations, 3(2-1)
This course explains the theories and principles of unit operations in agroindustry and equips students with skills to calculate the performance and efficiency of the unit operations.

12. TIN1224 Unit Processes, 2(2-0)
This course explains the unit processes in the conversion / transformation of chemical, biological and enzymatic agricultural raw materials, changes in characteristics during the process, and the application of unit processes in the development of high value-added agroindustrial products.

13. TIN1230 Fundamentals of Bioprocess Engineering, 2(2-0)
This course discusses the relationships between biological/microbiolpgical aspects (stuctures and functions of microbe cells, developmet of industrial microbes through mutation and recombination), biochemical aspects (microbe cells metabolism and metabolism engineering), chemical engineering aspect (enzyme and enzyme immobilization, cell growth stoichiometry and product development) to be applied to bioindustry/agroindustry.

14. TIN1234 Bioprocess Laboratory, 2(0-2)
This course discusses concepts and basic skills to good laboratory processes that includes basic skills of microbology that are applied to quality test of agroindustrial products and development of bioindustry products.

15. TIN1242 Packaging Technology, 3(2-1)
This course discusses the definition, function and role of packaging, classification of packaging, the properties of packaging materials (physical, mechanical, optical and thermal), alternative packaging materials, and interactions between packaging materials and packaged products.

16. TIN1253 Agroindustrial Product Science, 2(2-0)
This course explains the principles in developing innovative and creative ideas of high-value and commercially prospective agroindustrial products at the national and global levels according to the physical, chemical and functional characteristics of agricultural-based materials, such as carbohydrates, oils and fats, proteins (animal and vegetable), horticulture (fruits, vegetables and flowers), natural fibers, essential oils, herbs, spices, stimulating/refreshing beverages (tea, coffee, chocolate), natural polymers (rubber, resin, gum), and seaweed.

17. TIN1254 Analysis of Agroindustrial Products, 1(0-1)
Laboratory works for agroindustrial products analysis enable students to master physical-chemical and functional properties analysis of commodities and agroindusrial products, quality and organoleptic tests. This course also helps students to experiment with produt development based on carbohydrates, oils and fats, protein (from animal and plants), horticultures (fruits, vegetables, and flowers), natural fibres, essential oils, spices, herbs, alcaloids (tea, coffee, cacao), natural polymers (rubber, resin, gum), and seaweeds.

18. TIN1310 Plant Layout and Material Handling, 3(2-1)
This course discusses the principles of designing and evaluating the layout of plant facilities, methods and stages in design according to Systematic Layout Planning, and selection and management of material handling equipment as well as their role in agroindustrial productivity.

19. TIN1311 Operations Research, 3(2-1)
This course discusses the application of linear analytical methods for decision making and solving of agroindustrial problems. Topics covered include mathematical modeling, optimization techniques for various agroindustrial cases such as graphical methods, simplex methods, sensitivity analysis, transportation models, goal programming, dynamic programming and network optimization and game theory.

20. TIN1318 Cost Engineering, 3(3-0)
This course discusses the scope of cost engineering, time value of money, activity based costing, life cycle costing, economic value added (EVA), calculation of agroindustry financing, cash flow analysis, evaluation techniques of investment and replacement feasibility, and decision making in selection of agroindustrial investment planning.

21. TIN1326 Industrial Machines and Equipment, 3(2-1)
This course explains the working principles of agroindustrial equipment and machinery and methods of evaluation and selection of the right equipment and machinery for an agroindustry.

22. TIN1351 Quality Engineering, 2(2-0)
This course discusses quality engineering principles and tools and techniques to improve product qualities and continuous improvment for organization development/entreprises.

23. TIN1360 Environmental Management of Agroindustry, 2(2-0)
This course explains the principles of environmental management in sustainable agroindustry and the interaction of industrial activities and their impact on the environment so students are able to apply this knowledge in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of an agroindustry’s environmental management.

24. TIN1362 Environmental Laboratory, 1(0-1)
This is a practical course to equip students with the knowledge of the working principles of environmental pollution measurement tools (liquid waste, solid waste, air pollutants, and noise) and with skills in sampling techniques and lab analysis of environmental pollution parameters, and the interpretation of the results.

25. TIN1370 Agroindustrial Product and Business Innovation, 3(2-1)
This course explains the role of innovation in the development of agroindustry and the use of design thinking principles to innovate. Innovation starts from understanding the problems, consumer needs, and dynamics in the external environment, identifying opportunities, generating creative innovation ideas, designing and evaluating product concepts and their business models. Students are also trained with entrepreneurial attitudes and engineering mindsets in providing innovative solutions to agroindustry problems.

26. TIN1312 Production Planning and Control, 3(2-1)
This course discusses the principles, techniques and methods, and important factors in production planning and control, including forecasting, production planning and scheduling, material requirement planning and inventory control in agroindustry, and softwares of lean production and enterprise resource planning.

27. TIN1316 System and Decision Making Analysis, 3(2-1)
This course discusses methods for developing multi-criteria decision making models for solving agroindustry problems, including project selection, selection of technological alternatives and other strategic decision making. Topics covered include basic theory, structure and framework of system analysis, functional requirements analysis, BPMN-based business process modeling, decision making process of Multi-attribute Multi Criteria Program (MACDM) covering Payoff Matrix, Decision Matrix, Decision Tree, AHP, Topsis, and agroindustry DSS framework and applications. Students are introduced to problems of agroindustrial decision making using case studies.

28. TIN1319 Industrial Statistics, 3(2-1)
This course explains the principles of statistics and methods of statistical analysis for the collection, processing, data analysis, and decision making, including experimental design, non-parametric statistics, design of field research (surveys), and quality control statistics for products and processes to be applied in the field of agroindustry 3(2-2)

29. TIN1340 Warehousing and Storage Technologies, 3(2-1)
This course discusses the factors causing the decline in the quality of agroindustrial materials and products and methods of storage and warehouse, namely pre-storage treatment, cold and frozen storage techniques, controlled / modified atmospheric storage techniques (CAS / MAS), warehousing techniques for bulk commodities and commodity in packaging, securing material in warehouse, and determining and estimating shelf life.

30. TIN1361 Industrial Pollution Control Technology, 3(2-1)
This course explains the principles of dealing with agroindustrial wastes, namely waste prevention, waste management, and waste control and disposal. Topics covered include identifying waste sources, characteristics and impacts on the environment; input vs output pollution control strategy; and a greater proportion is emphasized in the treatment technology of liquid, solid/hazardous, and gas wastes, including the process principles, operations and controls, and the design of unit operations.

31. TIN1410 Modeling and Process Optimization, 3(2-1)
This course discusses the basic principles of modeling, development of models in processes, theories and models of non-linear optimization techniques, response surface methods and global optimization methods and their application in agroindustry.

32. TIN1461 Work Health and Safety, 2(2-0)
This course discusses the concepts, economic significance, and implementation of Work Health and Safety (WHS) in agroindustry, covering types of workplace hazards and work accident, risk management principles to identify, anticipate and control workplace hazards, zero accident principles, important regulations on WHS, and development of WHS management systems.

33. FTP1401 Industrial Practice, 2(0-2)
This is a practical course to provide students with hands-on experience on how agroindustry operates. Depending on the type and scale of the industry, the scope of practical work may include all industrial activities or only some aspects of industrial activities, such as PPIC, production processes, quality control, and environmental management.

34. IPB1400 Thematic Outreach Program, 4(0-12)

This is a practical course designed to train students to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the learning process to contribute to solving real agroindustry problems in rural areas or specific commuities, starting from problem formulation, providing alternative solutions, implementing selected solutions and evaluating them. In doing so, a group of students is challenged to identify, mobilize and allocate resources and engage with a network of stakeholders.

35. TIN1400 Research Methods and Scientific Presentation, 2(1-1)
This course explains the principles, methods and techniques of scientific writing and presentation and trains students to apply them in writing and presenting research proposals. Topics covered include the importance of academic integrity; scientific method vs. engineering method; qualitative and quantitative research methods; literature search and review; academic language style; the position and role of the beginning, middle and end of scientific work; the functions and ways of presenting them, the rules of writing scientific figures; and tips on good oral presentation.

36. TIN1401 Investigation Project, 3(0-9)
This course trains students to have skill in planning, designing, and conducting scientific and engineering experiments, as well as analyzing, interpreting, drawing conclusions and presenting the results.

37. TIN1402 Agroindustrial Project Planning, 3(1-6)
This course provides students with concepts, methods and techniques related to agroindustrial plant design and agroindustrial project management aspects, covering project plan, operation and evaluation

38. TIN1403 Agroindustrial Capstone Design Project, 6(0-6)
This is a capstone project for students of Agroindustrial Engineering Study Program. Students are challenged with a project that will train and lead students to master their engineering design skills by providing solutions to agroindustrial engineering problems. Students are required to use an integrated approach of sustainable agroindustry by considering multiple constraints, such as technological, societal, environmental as well as other contemporary issues.

39. TIN131B Stochastic Quantitative Methods, 3(2-1)
This course explains probabilistic and non-linear models in operations research that combine three disciplines, namely mathematical modeling, computer and industrial applications, with an emphasis on quadratic programming modeling, Markov Chain-Markov decision process, queuing theory, Advanced Game Theory and simulations to analyze and solving various agroindustry problems, such as production planning and control, resource planning, service systems, computer networks, and others.

40. TIN131C Logistic Systems and Supply Chain, 3(2-1)
This course discusses operational concepts and competitive supply chain strategies and performance measurement; basic terminology and supply chain operations in the context of the business environment; supply chain network design, effective sourcing and policies in inventory management, demand variability, forecasting and lead time at inventory and cost levels.

41. TIN1328 Process Engineering of Starch, Sugar and Sucro-chemical, 3(2-1)
This course provide knowledge to design product and process that utilize agricultural raw materials based on carbohydrates, sugar and sucro-chemical in agroindustry. It covers the development of agroindustry based on carbohydrattes, sugar and sucrochemical, sources and potentials, physico chemical properties, structure and principles of extraction methods, the use of enzyme in carbohydrates industry. Application of carbohydrates as modified starch, hydrolysate products and their derivatives, and bioconverted starch products, varieties and quality of sugar from sugar cane, alternative processing technologies, palm sugar technologies, crystal sugar technologies and monitoring.

42. TIN1329 Oils and Fat Technologies, 3(2-1)
This course provides knowledge about techniques and methods for oil/fat extraction, oil/fats purifying, oils/fat processing into basic oleochemical and their derivaties (surfactant, emulsifier, demulsifier, etc); application techniques for various product of oil/fats (frying oils, margarine, shortening, CBS, CBX, CBR, etc), basic oleochemicals (glycerol, methyl esther, fatty acid, fatty alcohol) and derivative oleochemical (MES, DEA, AS, GE) and emulsion product processing techniques and their application in industries (personal care products, pesticides, oil, and environment industry etc).

43. TIN1341 Transportation and Distribution Packaging, 3(2-1)
This couse discusses defintion, function and scope of transprotation and distibution packaging, regulation and standards on packaging for transportation and distribution, test and standarization of transportation packaging, handling (loading with individual and unit loading, stacking and unloading), handling/transporting equipments (pallet and containers, crane etc) and transportation modes.

44. TIN1363 Cleaner Production, 3(2-1)
This course explains the concept of cleaner production (CP) in agroindustry, analysis of sources of industrial waste generation, waste prevention strategies, CP audit methodology and procedures, CP integration in EMS / ISO 14000, and discusses case studies of CP application in agroindustry.

45. TIN1411 Automatic Process Control, 3(2-1)
This course provides knowledge to design industrial system control, including introduction and illustration of control system, use of sensors and optimization of industrial processes.

46. TIN1412 Design of Digital Agroindustrial System, 3(2-1)
This course discusses the concept of digital information system design for agroindustrial management processes in the digital business ecosystem (DBE) environment and the principles of preparing technical specifications for databases and object-directed digital features. The material covers the process of requirements analysis, modeling of mobile computing, cloud computing programming, and the formulation of smart computing operations in analytics (business) production / service information / services including large-scale database engineering that is able to support the process of Enterprise Resource Planning / ERP based on big data in a complex agroindustrial operation.

47. TIN1424 Process Engineering of Essential Oils, Spices and Phytopharmaca, 3(2-1)
This course discusses the important role of essential oils, herbs and phytopharmaca as well as its business prospects; sources of plants and raw materials that produce essential oils, herbs and phytopharmaca; benefits of various types of essential oils, herbs and phytopharmaca; technology for processing raw materials, extraction techniques and refining essential oils and phytopharmaca, physical and chemical quality analysis, as well as developing their use in various types and product formulations that can increase added value.

48. TIN1425 Process and Product Engineering of Alcaloids and Horticultures, 3(2-1)
This course disccuses integrated introduction to product and process engineering of tea, coffee, cacao, fruits, vegetables and flowers. This course covers processing principles of tea, coffee, cacao, fruits, vegetables and flowers (chemical and biochemical transformaton during commodities maturing and processing including qualities, grading, and packaging).

49. TIN1426 Process and Product Engineering of Fibre, Rubber and Gum, 3(2-1)
This course discusses processing technologies of fibres, rubber and gum. This course covers introduction and characterization of raw materials quality, technology selection to produce high value added products, product handling based on qulaity standards, identification of new processing technology with high economy and business potentials.

50. TIN1427 Leather Processing and Tanning Technologies, 3(2-1)
This course discusses processing technologies of leather into high value added products for food and non-food such as gelatine, collagen, leather glue, leather crackers, and tanned leather. Tanning technologies are given in-depth ranging from pre-tanning up to tanning.

51. TIN1430 Process Engineering in Bioindustry, 3(2-1)
This course discusses the use of microbes and their process design that covers media design, cultivation techniques design and their kinetics, design of environment influencing kinetics of microbes growth and products, bioreactor design and scaling up, downstream process and technoeconomic aspects to produce various products in bioindustry.

52. TIN1440 Smart and Active Packaging, 3(2-1)
This course discusses the definitions, principles and mechanisms, types and forms of active and smart packaging, and the development and application of modern packaging technology in agroindustrial products.

53. TIN1462 Agroindustrial Wastewater Treatment Technology, 3(2-1)
This course explains the treatment technology of agroindustrial wastewater for safe discharge or recycling purposes. The topics cover the principles of process, operation and control, and the design of unit operations in primary treatment (equalization, neutralization, coagulation / flocculation, precipitation, and phase separation), secondary treatment (aerobic, anaerobic, photosynthesis), tertiary treatment (physical, chemical, biological), and sludge treatment and disposal.

54. TIN1463 Engineering of Solid Waste Treatment, 3(2-1)
This course explains the treatment technology of agroindustrial solit waste, dangerous and poisonous material treatment for safe discharge or recycling purposes. The topics cover ranges of solid waste treatment and processsing technologies as curative actions berofe being safely dischared to the environment.

55. TIN1464 Engineering of Air/Gas Pollutant Control, 3(2-1)
This course explains the treatment technology of agroindustrial air pollution. The topics cover the identification of air pollution data, determining techniques to control ari pollution, engineering of air pollution control (particulates, gas, smels, vibration, and noises) and determining the status of agroindustrial air pollution.